Stupid girls/gooses
You don't rabbit (on) (to) me if your plastic nails are break away! Your hair is blond and your brain too! You trust you are on the top But not!
Stupid gooses! they are always whine! expand the tat's money! What is a dream for us,they were did on! Stupid gooses! they are always whine! expand the tat's money! What is a dream for us,they were did on!
mummy see you with an other sod every they (only) your humps were operated three times! on your eyes there are three kilo stain/dye! on your lips/mouth (there are/there is) 8 kilo lipstick/louge! Where do you live?
Stupid gooses! they are always whine! expand the tat's money! What is a dream for us,they were did on! Stupid gooses! they are always whine! expand the tat's money! What is a dream for us,they were did on!